General recommendations for the tourism and tourism-related industries involved in domestic and inbound tourism
Accommodation facilities
• Has a tourist made a payment or made a reservation in your hotel, guesthouse or agritourism farm and wants to cancel it? Offer him/her rescheduling and additional service at a promotional price or free of charge. You can also offer a voucher.
• Offer your guests to rebook their accommodation free of charge – it will pay off!
• Follow the recommendations of the Polish Hotel Industry Chamber (www.ighp.pl) – experts know how to help you.
Catering facilities
• Restaurants, bars, bistros, regional inns, offer ready-made meals for takeaway and delivery – inform customers about it on social media, and also notify regional and local tourist organizations, tourist information points in your town and region, and you will certainly receive promotional support.
• Do you have a supply of food in your restaurant? Treat those who save lives, health and help fight the virus – it builds the image of your restaurant, bar or inn in people’s eyes.
Just keep in mind, good returns to us and with a double force!
Tourist attractions
• Stay in touch with tourists even during an outbreak when you cannot accommodate them at your tourist attraction. Keep in touch through social media. Answer phone calls and write emails.
• Encourage people to explore the attractions, exhibits and souvenirs at your museum, historic mine or other tourist site by offering a virtual walk-through in the app or on your website.
• Encourage people to watch promotional videos, animations and organize promotional contests and quizzes with prizes such as tickets and special invitations for long-term use.
Tourist information
• Internet, Internet, Internet. In the current situation tourist information is mainly an attempt to inspire via the Internet to visit your city, region in the future.
• Employees of tourist information points and centers are not only people providing tourist information, but also excellent specialists in promotion and knowledge of the city and region attractions. Let us make use of their knowledge and experience so that even when working remotely they inspire tourists and encourage them to discover and explore our tourist attractions using creative forms of promotion on the Internet.
• If your region or surroundings have an abundance of beautiful nature, various kinds of natural tourist attractions then now is the time to recommend hikes and outdoor walks to "stuck" tourists at home. Such places are undoubtedly to be found in every Polish region.
• Take advantage of this difficult time for tourism and make use of online training to improve your and your co-workers’ skills – it will certainly pay off in the near future.